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uncle dicks gag Christmas present
Melissa's family Christmas picture

I would love to tell the pizza box was a prop....but truth is I forgot to throw it away.


Freedom of speech
Radiation therapy is next week. don't worry no one else knows either. I made this poster from 5, count five different shots. that is me, back left.
thanks to all that helped. Jenni,Virgina, Danni, Snotty.
we kick ass take names.


the state of the art studio
how do you tell vampires about cell phone are THE thing now days? I didn't.
apparently waking the dead is a bad thing
E in the casket.

Bite me!

Phil and Carla
where I work.

RR Swim team

My car window broke. Yeah it sucks. slowly I am trying to fix it myself. notice the 2x4 holding it in the "up" position.

RR Swim meet

Mrs. S and me.

Dad's homemade water rocket. I have to say...damm that thing flies.

Amber stopped by in between rain drops for a couple shots.

I met Betty and Maryann this morning. shot some images down by Edwina's lake. thank you Lana (with one "N") for helping.

Melissa came by....I couldn't take a bad picture of her if I tried.
Nichole and Justin stop by last Saturday aren't they a cute couple? I can't believe they met on-line.

dad and Yoli

I stole the idea from Dave Hobby


That's my boy! what a stud.

I have known Lanna for a couple of years AND I just learned how to say her last name correctly... AND ............then I forgot it

Becka's Quince.
Thank you Sandy for helping me.
Happy Birthday Becka, you looked muy bonita!